A new ToyCam
I just managed to have my company mobile changed. The old one was barely able to ring. I dropped a couple of months ago the idea that is was something that was designed and made to let me talk with someone else. So, when I said my boss I would have bought a new one on the next business travel that I was plannig (and claim the expense on my return to office), soon I was contacted by the Service Center, saying that my replacement had "just" arrived.
Black magic!
Trying to understand how this new plastic pad with nearly one hundred buttons works, I discovered that it has a built-in camera much better than the previous one (even though the hole on its back is more or less the same). So, upon my very first mountain bike ride of the year, I took it with me and made some snaps around.
Not bad, in the end. That's why I'm thinking right now whether I should take my compact cam with me tomorrow morning, as I'm going back to Goteborg, or just rely on my new ToyCam.
Photographs, (C) Tiberio Fanti