44 days: Iran and the remaking of the world
Christiane Amanpour , CNN Chief International Correspondent says in the foreword of this newly released book: "David Burnett’s magnificent photographic record of the revolution reminds us, thirty years later, of what my father told me: that nothing would be the same again."
David Burnett and the editors Robert Pledge and Jacques Menasche have been working methodically doing research and organizing contact sheets and colour slides from Burnett's archive.
Pledge and Menasche says: "The photographs in this book—a significant representation, if only a fraction of Burnett’s total archive—were not chosen solely on aesthetic grounds, nor are they intended to be viewed as art. Rather they are remarkable historical documents, the contents of a time capsule from another era. To maintain their authenticity, they are presented entirely unmanipulated, with no conversions from color to black and white, never cropped, and sequenced"
Go to the site 44 days: Iran and the remaking of the world to find out more about the book. If you select "A Look Inside" you will find some of these remarkable photos.
You also know David Burnett from the 591 Summer Exhibition where he participated with some legendary portraits of Bob Marley. - Mr Urbano