The Art of Balance - The art of John Felice Ceprano

These photographs are taken by a very talented photographer in Canada named Wendy Stevenson, she has captured the incredible work of artist John Felice Ceprano, an artist she very much admires which she explains below these samples of her work. Taken on two different years the variations in the art and in the weather conditions can be clearly seen and enjoyed. 

Once in a while during a person's life they come across something so beautiful it touches them in a most profound way.  This is the story of my discovery of the incredible stone sculptures made by John Felice Ceprano.
It was by happenstance I came upon these and now find myself drawn to them for no known reason.  Maybe it’s the way the rocks are put together, with no concrete or any other adhesive - but balanced upon other rocks with only shims and wedges to help them.  Maybe it’s the calm, peaceful feeling I get just being around them.  Maybe it’s the fact that they are temporary in nature therefore that much more precious.  Or maybe it’s just the extension of the soulful man that erects these year after year with what you know is pure artistry, incredible patience and love.
I thank you John for sharing your inner self in a most artistic and beautiful way.

More of Wendy's images of this man's work can be seen on her website along with some other wonderful images. Mr Ceprano's work can be seen here and here.


Rhonda Boocock said…
Great photos of very soulful art pieces. I especially love the ones in the water...the reflections add even more depth to the delicate structures.