
Monday Portrait - Kerstin Kuntze

Monday Portrait - Mirka Krivankova

591 Exhibition - Homo Urbanus Europeanus - Jean-Marc Caracci


multilingual from Thierry Clech

play it again!

We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not.

Bend, slot machines and moss

A Reykjavik Diary

Trycheln in Meiringen - Fridays in Concert

Fridays in Concert - Bob Dylan, 1981

Fridays in Concert - sweat

Fridays in Concert - Helen Money, 2007

Fridays in Concert - Linkin Park

Fridays in Concert - Säkert, 2011

Fridays in Concert - Sex Pistols, 1977

Fridays in Concert - Jimmy Silow

Fridays in Concert - The Argentinian doctor

Fridays in Concert - Rhythm

Fridays in Concert - Kjetil Dalland

Fridays in Concert - The Guitar

Fridays in Concert - The Orchestra

moving frame

The Problem with Perfection