
Sauerkraut Festival in Scapoose, Oregon - Phil Decker

My Best Picture - Peter Agron

My Best Picture - Anne Berry


Pedestrian, Jesus and the blue moped

Beach Days on 591 ~ Ulf FÃ¥gelhammar

My Best Picture - Maura Brennan

My Best Picture - Werner Friedli

My Best Picture - opening with Malin Larsson

French Stories - Goran Popovic

Beach Days on 591 ~ Susan Rae Tannenbaum

591 Exhibition: Of This Place: Photographs from North Carolina - David Simonton

Making Faces!

Beach Days on 591 ~ Renee S. Elkin

Dianavision Carnival

Half Frame Fridays - tumbling

Half Frame Fridays: m.agejev

Half Frame Fridays - Michael Winnerholt

Half Frame Fridays - Never Goes Out of Style

Half Frame Fridays - Blackberries again

Half Frame Fridays - back in the days

Half Frame Fridays - in Visby

Half Frame Fridays ... TGIF

Its something about pigeons